The greatest teacher of all-time, Freddy Shoop is the kind of laid back instructor that every cool kid wants to have for his whole high school tenure, let alone a single semester. Our own Brett G. can also attest he's the kind of teacher all teachers wish they could be, even if they're afraid to admit it. He's a personable guy, not too uptight and doesn't mind a few hell-raisers in class, in fact, he often encourages it. After another teacher wins the lottery, Shoop is forced to teach a bunch of goof-offs English over the summer he had planned to go to Hawaii with his hot little blonde. Over the course of the film, Shoop matures as a professional while staying true to himself, relating to and guiding the oddest of students. B.A.L.L.S. Academy salutes Freddy Shoop for being one of the most admirable and wittiest characters in teen comedy history.
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